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November 11th marks Veterans' Day in the US and related holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day around the world. After the camaraderie and shared experience of active duty service, many military veterans seek out a form of community when they return to civilian life. Here are some of our favorite communities where US Veterans can find support and resources.
My VFW Networks Community - An unofficial community for members, auxiliary members, and non-member supporters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) organization. Members use the community to share photos, videos, and updates on their local VFW chapters with the nationwide VFW community.
Lone Star Veterans Association - Lone Star Veterans Association focuses on providing a community and support for Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom vets in the Houston area. This local focus allows LSVA to bridge both online and offline community by organizing events, fitness programs, and career transition assistance.
DC Military Family Life - The life of a Military spouse or child can sometimes be isolating: moving from base to base and having to make new friends and connections everywhere you go. Another locally focused community, the DC Military Family Life Network works on supporting those at home: spouses, moms, dads, and children of service members and veterans in DC, MD, and VA.
The Link-Up - A non-profit organization connecting injured veterans with volunteers willing to offer assistance to participate in outdoor activities, The Link-Up helps keep wounded warriors active.
Dragoon Base - The US Army Second Cavalry Regiment has a long and storied history and these Dragoons past and present come together at Dragoon Base. From reminiscing about their units to sharing advice for newer troopers, this community speaks to all generations.
Military/Veteran Resource Network - The Military/Veteran Resource Network is a dynamic online community of people and organizations designed to connect Arizona’s 625,000+ service members, veterans and their families to the right military, government and community resources at the right time.
DryHootch - Originally started offline around the creation of a retail coffee shop run by and for Veterans, the DryHootch community helps veterans find needed support services when they return from combat.
(Image: The Greatest Generation, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from aidanmorgan's photostream)